Haha! För att belysa vilken ton jag haft i hela konversationen med dem så kommer här inledningen till brev nummer tre: (av sammanlagt 22 stycken...)
So, you didn't actually read my mail. That's ok. I'll try again. But to make it painstakingly clear to you what is happening, I will go through your checklist and add my comments as we go along. Ok? ...
"Hello Karl-Anders, I didn't receive the information I asked you on my previous email on 05/03/2007 order to try to register the Fonera wity your user, could you send it?"
Mitt svar: "Hi David, Well, yeah... That's funny! Here's a little snippet that I just copied from the mail history of the mail you just sent me. I suppose that's what you're looking for. :)
Nä... men Regards hjälper väl upp det eller!? :)
Haha! För att belysa vilken ton jag haft i hela konversationen med dem så kommer här inledningen till brev nummer tre: (av sammanlagt 22 stycken...)
So, you didn't actually read my mail. That's ok. I'll try again. But to make it painstakingly clear to you what is happening, I will go through your checklist and add my comments as we go along. Ok?
Hatkärlek. :)
Det är fan inte konstigt att du inte kan skänka bort en fon-router till mig. De vill inte ha med dig ELLER dina vänner att göra!!
Bra gjort! Ge dem. De har precis fått in mer kapital - 21.7 mUSD - de har råd med bättre service.
Och soppan fortsätter!
Idag fick jag ett brev som sa (ordagrannt):
"Hello Karl-Anders,
I didn't receive the information I asked you on my previous email on 05/03/2007 order to try to register the Fonera wity your user, could you send it?"
Mitt svar:
"Hi David,
Well, yeah... That's funny! Here's a little snippet that I just copied from the mail history of the mail you just sent me. I suppose that's what you're looking for. :)
Jag ska sammanställa alla mail i ett litet kompendium när det hela har löst sig. :)
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